Hail to you, my gods!

Ullr! To you I do give thanks for your blessings and protection Through the times of chill and gale.
Freyja! To you I do give thanks for your blessings and healing When I am faint and pale.
Odin! To you I do give thanks for your blessings and guidance When I am ignorant and lost.
Skadhi! To you I do give thanks for your blessings and vengeance When I am pained or crossed. Tyr! To you I do give thanks for your blessings and sacrifice Through times of menace and uncertainty. Bragi! To you I do give thanks for your blessings and elocution Through times of romance and diplomacy. Freyr! To you I do give thanks for your blessings and lust Through times of romance and devotion. Thor! To you I do give thanks for your blessings and strength When I am challenged and broken. Idunn! To you I do give thanks for your blessings and vigor When I am dismal and fatigued.
Hel! To you I do give thanks for your blessings and tranquility When I am burdened and enraged. My gods, I do give thanks to you For these enrichments that you give! Hail to you, my gods!