Awaken The North
Frequently Asked Questions
We are commonly messaged the same questions quite often and want to clarify misunderstanding and curiosities. Continue reading below to see some of the Questions that are asked frequently to Awaken The North.
Question 1:
What is our stance on racism?
We have no tolerance towards white-supremacy, or any form of extremism from either side of the spectrum within our ranks.
What is our political stance?
We are a very liberal group, that accepts everyone no matter the race, origin, or creed.
Are you Asatru, Vanatru, Odinist, or Theodist?
We are a Asatru focused group, but we accept all forms of the belief.
Do you believe in unification of Asatru?
Yes we do believe in the unification, of Asatru. We believe strongly that Asatru will remain at a halt until we can unify and progress forward in society.
Are you a Fanpage?
No we are not a fanpage.
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Describe your image.