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#AwakenTheNorth is a movement, towards the revival of the Asatru faith.

ZERO tolerance towards White-Supremacy 


#AwakenTheNorth is a group of Germanic heathens who have come together to create an online Kindred for those who either do not have a kindred to go to in their area or are too shy to actually attend a meeting. AwakenTheNorth is welcome to all ages, genders and races. 

Follower Updates

@AwakenTheNorth Twitter now has 2,904 followers!



Awaken The North Facebook Page has 20,573 likes!


Have any questions? Need something answered? Or simply looking for guidance? 
Contacting us is now simplified, you can contact us Via Facebook, Twitter or Email. We are only an easy click away and are eager to help you along your journey in our vast faith and history. 

Contact us

Looking to join our team of councilors? As Awaken The North grows and expands across the social medias we are constantly in the search for new Facebook and twitter admins to help keep our pages active. If you are interested send us a resume of why you think you are qualified and what makes you a vital member of our group.

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News 1

News 3

Co-Founder of ATN, Max Oakenshield has passed away due to unforeseen circumstances

@AwakenTheNorth is in the works for setting up a proper YouTube channel, thanks to our new councilor JOSH WHITE who will be in charge of editing our videos and co-running the YouTube channel with our founder ANDREW STEPHENSON. 

Thorbjorn and Andrew will be starting a youtube series on the basics of ritual working in Asatru.

Awaken The North is holding an art competition. Click the button to learn more. 

News 2

Latest Project

© 2016 AwakenTheNorth

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