Awaken The North
Partners' of Awaken the North
This page is to honor our partners, who have worked hard to establish AwakenTheNorth through multiple social media networks. Feel free to click the links in the discriptions to access their web-pages.
NRR- Northern Runes Radio
An international Podcast Network featuring Heathen spirituality, as well as mainstream content! Also, interviews with authors and other artists that promote our ancestral ways in a way not only to enrich our own but to reach the world outside of our own circles.
The Asatru Community
TAC Inc. is a community of heathens from all walks of life, who have joined together with a unified goal: To bring heathenry into the modern age. We are the meeting place for those of like mind to gather and discuss issues that matter. TAC brings together resources to help strengthen and grow both the online and local community by providing the tools to make finding locals easier.
TAC is a safe place that allows all heathens to freely express their ideas without fear. We do not tolerate racism or hatred of any kind, making TAC the place for those who feel that the Holy Powers accept all who come to learn. Joining TAC is easy and free! Simply, fill out an application form. So, why not take this moment to become a member of our community, and build with us
Seidr - Norse Shamanism
(Seidr - Norrøn Sjamanisme)
This group is about a form of Shamanism called Seidr, Seid or Seidhr, we come here to learn from each other and to form a community of Seidr shamanism practitioners. racists and nazitru not welcome, join and you will be ridiculed.
Children of Yggdrasil
Children of Yggdrasil started on the 4th of July in 2014, It was an initiative of Lifdis, who is still active on the page. The main reason was that she has a love and passion for the mythology and lifestyle of the old ways. Second is the fact that her old page was infested with political talks, which are an absolute no-go on Children of Yggdrasil.
We strive to show the old ways, to spread our knowledge about the old days and help others through this amazing maze.
Today we are still growing as a page and aim to keep this going, so feel welcome and join our ranks!
Click Image to go to Children of Yggdrasil's Facebook Page
Muninn Pictures
Muninn Pictures is an Independent Film Production company, spearheaded by The Asatru Community's North Central Ambassador Lance Feider, based out of Saint Paul, MN.
Odin's Beard Woodworking
Hail! Odin's Beard Woodworking is a small, home-based woodworking company located in Northern Vermont, United States. We specialize in god statues for your altars, and travel-sized pocket altars.
Click Image to go to Odin's Beard Woodworking Facebook Page