Awaken The North
Andrew Stephenson
I live in Ontario, Canada and am the founder of AwakenTheNorth. I have been Asatru for 7 years, though I have known about it for 12. I came to Asatru through multiple years of research into the culture and ideology of the Norsemen. It was a near death experience, which confirmed my belief in the old ways.

AwakenTheNorth was set up January 1st by Andrew Stephenson and Max Oakenshield as a Hashtag originally, and it later bloomed into a movement. The two realized that the community needed support so they set out to provide easy access for Asatruars across North America. From this small beginning, in a tiny room with a handful of followers, the pair worked tirelessly, hiring new councillors as they went, to grow #AwakenTheNorth. The fruit of their labours is what you see today.
Today, AwakenTheNorth is a diverse organization that not only builds and informs small communities but also offers help to those seeking specific guidance, from helping finding kindreds in their area and beyond.
And, it's no longer just a twosome. The AwakenTheNorth's counselors are much bigger now, working across North America and Europe to provide the best support possible.
Our Counselors
Damara Vitae
I live in British Columbia, Canada. I came to find Asatru after many years through studies of multiple faiths including Buddhism and Wicca. I studied these faiths along with others in search of a faith that I could connect with. I strongly believe in the revival of Asatru into modern society. I have studied the Elder Futhark, for many years and have come to see it as my second language. I was introduced to Asatru through our groups founders and was engulfed in rich spiritual knowledge which was within the Asatru Faith. With my desire to learn more about the Magicks that herbs and minerals hold, I began to look into the history of Asatru more and came across the role of a Volva and view myself as a young aspired Volva. As my knowledge of the earth and its wonders grows, my knowledge of myself also grows.

I currently live in Southern California. I have been an Asatruar for over 10 years. I like to learn to bushcraft and to do carpentry without powertools. I am a serious prepper and have been for over 7 years. Asatru is a very large part of me being a good father to my year and a half year old son and to have a happy relationship with my fiance. While I know I need to learn much more about our faith I feel as though I am very dedicated and would love to see this religion to succeed to being even a fraction of what it once was. Our Gods can teach the world many things and we need to teach the world about the ways of their ancestors before all we know is lost to history. Our ancestors lived and died for thousands of years under these gods and were an important part of our culture.
Steven Tifft

My name is James Moore-Hodur. I'm from Buffalo, NY. I have been heathen for 3.5 years. Currently, I'm a member of Awaken the North, and the Troth, and the Asatru Community, Inc. I am also an TAC ambassador for Northern States East Region.
I'm currently the blogger/author/writer for my blog, Rune Lore for All. I am a service partner with Awaken the North with my blog. I am currently ATN's councilor on the Runes. I am also the creator and production manager for ATN's runic series- "Raidho: The Runic Journey". You can catch my daily runic posts on Facebook and Twitter. I am also a contributing author for TAC's members magazine, "Mimir's Well".
Here in Buffalo, I am the Gothi (priest) of my local kindred here Buffalo, The Wyrd and Wise Aurochs Kindred. We run heathen chats and hold rituals here in Buffalo. We meet once a week to discuss all sorts of things about Asatru and Heathenry. Personally, I'm your average nerd who's into scifi/fantasy movies, books, music, and culture.
Stay Rune'd for a wonderful journey!
James Moore-Hodur

I'm from Chicago, Illinois, I came to Asatru 3 months ago, after having been feeling lost in other faiths I came across the old ways of my ancestors and finally found a home in Asatru. It plays a large part of who I am, and guides me in the work I do as a Paramedic, I hope to awaken others to our ways, and to help those who are already a part of it.
Sean Nee
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