Awaken The North
The everyday life with abilities is not always so easy to handle, others seem think it is so fun and exciting, they don't understand how exhausting it can be, exhausting with all you take in, that you don't always want to take in or see or know, some are good at shielding themselves, others have not yet found a good and functional method of shielding.
one can become tired from trying to help so much, and feel that people don't really listen and take the help for granted when you help them.
it is fully allowed to be tired and exhausted and frustrated, it is allowed to be upset and sad, we are here to help and support each other and give positive feedback.
This is a sanctuary for the christian witches, christo pagans and those of us with christian beliefs in our pagan paths, a safe place to be ourselves, protected from judgement by others.
This is a group for us who practice veiling/head covering.
we accept people of all faiths here, men and women. but we value respect above all, so please respect each other
Veiling is practiced by a large variety of people, people of various beliefs and faith, it goes far back in time, it is also a life saver for those who need shielding from energies etc.
Please view this as a safe place, you will not recieve any judgement for veiling or judgement period.
This is a group for pagans of all paths and faiths, whether you are heathen, christo-pagan (or have christian beliefs in your path in general) traditional, celtic etc or just consither yourself as just pagan, we accept all here and do not judge, this group is meant as a safe haven for us all.
We are also a seller and spam free group. We hope you will enjoy it here and see this group as a safe place.
The Pagan Sanctuary and Sister Groups
This group is about a form of Shamanism called Seidr, Seid or Seidhr, we come here to learn from each other and to form a community of Seidr shamanism practitioners. racists and nazitru not welcome, join and you will be ridiculed.
Welcome inside!
Denne gruppen handler om en form for sjamanisme kalt Seidr, Seid eller Seidhr, dette er en plass og komme til for og lære fra hverandre og for og skape et samfunn for oss som praktiserer Seidr.
Velkommen inn!
Partners Of AwakenTheNorth