Awaken The North
Rune Lore for All!
Hail and Welcome!
My name is James Hodur. I'm 37 years old and I'm from Buffalo, NY. I'm the blogger/owner/author for Rune Lore for All!
Rune Lore for All is my exploration of the runes of 4 futhark/futhorc systems. I'm on a journey through the runes and I want to share my journey with the whole world. Pursuing the Runes is a life-long endeavor and the impressions we discern from these energies deepens over time. It is my mission with Rune Lore for All to spread the knowledge of the runes as far and as wide as possible. I will be exploring each rune in turn, providing the lore attached to these runes and also exploring the myths and sagas of our great ancestors of Northern Europe that contain great facets of Runic Wisdom. I will be exploring topics such as bind runes, galdr, and how runes are used in operational magick.
I am no expert nor will I call myself a master of the runes. I am simply a man wandering down these paths as others have done before me. My hope is to help others wander down their own paths with the wisdom of the runes.
The Runes are a Gift Shared! So Stay Rune'd for a journey of a lifetime here in Midgard and beyond!
Here are my links:
Email: runeloreforall@gmail.com

Main Site/Blog: www.odinsphoenix716.wordpress.com