Awaken The North
Declaration 127
: Awaken The North :
The organizations listed below represent a truly diverse set of voices within modern Heathenry. They represent national organizations, resource centers, local kindreds, as well as a plethora of authors and community leaders from every possible branch of our religion and walk of life. These independent organizations have signed this article due to a single shared interest.
To state their complete denunciation of, and disassociation from, the Asatru Folk Assembly.
The Asatru Folk Assembly (hereinafter referred to as the AFA) has a long and well-documented history of discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, sexuality, and gender identity. In a recent statement the AFA declared point blank that non-white and LGBT Heathens were not welcome in their tradition. While the undersigned organizations listed here fully recognize the AFA’s right to govern themselves as they see fit, and with full autonomy, we hereby exercise the same right.
We will not promote, associate, or do business with the AFA as an organization
so long as they maintain these discriminatory policies.
The AFA’s views do not represent our communities. We hereby declare that we do not condone hatred or discrimination carried out in the name of our religion, and will no longer associate with those who do. We will not grant the tacit approval of silence in the name of frið, to those who would use our traditions to justify prejudice on the basis of race, nationality, orientation, or gender identity.
The AFA is free to stand for whatever principles it sees fit.
They are free to stand alone.
After the schism after the news many of us already knew about the Asatru Folk Assembly. It's now on us to strengthen Asatru and to show the world that Asatru isn't a religion of hate. Every freethinker should support and stick together in this time. I speak to those businesses and organizations who signed the Declaration 127 to think of ways to expand Asatru and think big. We are all in this together and we will always be there for each other. Hail the Gods and make them see our deeds!
hvars þú böl kannt kveðu þat bölvi at ok gefat þínum fjándum frið
“When you see misdeeds, speak out against them, and give your enemies no frið”
Hávamál 127
The above declaration has been approved by the following organizations:
Alliance For Inclusive Heathenry
Alrekstadìr Laug
American Celebration Kindred
Asatru Kindred of Northern Alberta
Blótlaug for Anarkistiske Asatro
Calgary Heathens
Clan des neufs montagnes / Nine Mountains Kindred
Clan of the Golden Flame
Clearwater Kindred
Dragon Pine Kindred
Fraser’s Gifts and Oddities
Freyswald Freehold
F- Heaven And Hell I’m Going To Valhalla
GreenAxe Hearth
Heathens United Against Racism
Jotnars Might Hearth
Mjolnir’s Forge Kindred
Northeast Ohio Spirit of the Earth Circle
Northern Utah Midgard Asatru Kindred
Ormkonur Kindred
Polaris Björn Kindred
Runhamr Independent Asatru Kindred
Sheltering Hall Kindred
Strong Roots and Wide Branches
The Guild
Thorlief Kindred
Uruz Kindred
Whirling Wheel Kindred
Vanic Conspiracy of RedWood Tradition
Wodans Way Kindred
Yggdrasil Ásatrú Association of Costa Rica
Yggdrasil Hearth